Friday, February 2, 2007

1st Poetry Journal---We wear the mask

Elisabeth Magana
February 2, 2007
AP LIT/ Devin

Title: We Wear the Mask
Style: Literary Critic

The speaker of the poem is an African American, speaking on behalf of the entire black community. The occasion of the poem would be none in particular; just him trying to let the world know about the deep scars from past suffering. His Audience is everyone familiar or unfamiliar with the African American struggle. The purpose of the poem is to remind others of the atrocities that the black community has undergone, and that even though they might smile and dance there are still sadness within them and that they are still experiencing discrimination. The tone of the poem would be revealing and defying. The poem has rhyming at the end of some lines and one can also see assonance in some parts. I would say that the poem is free verse which facilitates the author’s to convey this idea of freedom. This style is suitable for the purpose of the poem, which explains that the black community is still affected by the atrocities of slavery. It shows the author’s eagerness to rebel, defy others and communicate his people’s longing for freedom from their past. The mask that “they “wear is like setting up a façade of happiness, love and feeling of equality. They want to achieve all these therefore they do not want the world to think otherwise. The author expresses that he wants other people to see them as regular people, or people “wearing the mask.” But he is still informing people about the mourning in the black community and their constants struggle to achieve happiness or seem happy.

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