Friday, February 16, 2007

Poetry Journal #2 week three

Title: I carry your Heart with me (I carry it in
Style: literary critic

The speaker of the poem is definitely someone in love, who’s extremely obsessed with the person they are “courting.” The tone of the poem is hopeful and melodramatic. The speaker is overly excited about this person and wants to be with that person for the rest of their lives. The occasion is presumably a declaration of love. The subject and the audience is the person being courted. This love poem is specifically directed to one person; it is not talking in behalf of love. This poem has a lot of end rhyme, especially to wards the end of the poem. The author is successful at getting his message across, The author portrays the speaker as someone blindly in love. And the repetition of subjects in two of the lines emphasizes the speaker’s persistence on their love, and how they are complements to each other. Their love seems to be the core of their lives, the best thing that has ever happened to him, the most important thing in his life. These can be assumed through the author’s choice to include, “The root of the root and the bud of the bud.” This couple is just what each other need and the author is making sure that the reader can understand this. The mere purpose of this poem is to express love and beautify his/her emotions by putting them into words, words that could be understood and interpreted by other people. The author uses metaphors, which are clearly understood by the reader because readers usually relate a heart, which is a muscle, to being the place where all the emotions are held. The speaker too says that he/she holds the other person’s heart within his /her own heart. I interpret this as the speaker loving the love that the other person has to offer. The purpose of this poem is to love and the author conveys his messages through the \use of very literal examples and even a bit too unrealistic.

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