Friday, February 16, 2007

Poetry Journal #1 week three

Title: It may not always be so
Style: Contemporary Poem

It may not always be so; receiving the distant call after
Work, loving every moment we spend together
Wishing the days were longer,
Wishing my heart were stronger
To hold and revive any feeling that without you
Might, lost be.
If other emotions may be raised by anyone who isn’t me
If your love never was there for me

If this should be then afar my heart concealed be
Away from you
Away from her or him.

I was inspired by the poem “It may not always be so.” I too share the same perspective on love, if it is not mutual then someone has to let go. One cannot cling onto someone forever unless it is mutual. The idea of love is always appealing but letting go, even though it might sound cruel, should also be considered by someone who is falling in love. Things and PEOPLE change their looks, perceptions, ideas and many times their love or interest might as well change too. When people change the way they interact with there loved one, something could be going wrong then and there is when one needs to be able to let go.


Noel said...

I absolutely agree with your poem and the point you were trying to come across. I also did the same poem and I also approached it by making a poem in response. I agree that people should be real with one another about their feelings because one might be deep in love while the other is just like whatever. I also hate the fact that some people cheat because people should be honest and when that love goes away the other should know instead of being decieved all the time. Overall I like your poem, dont you hate when your with your special one and time flys. Happens to me all the time, so your not alone. Hope you get a good grade on this because it was tight.

*^Rocio^* said...

I love your response to the poem becuase I I also believe that loving is more than just trusting someone but also letting them go. I like how you analyzed the poem beyond a deeper level. One thing that I have to ask you is what tecknique does the author include in this poem to convey the message of letting go of someone you love. Overall, your point was precisce.