Friday, February 2, 2007

Second POetry Journal ---Neruda

Elisabeth Magana
February 2, 2007
AP LIT/ Devin

Title: Ode to My Socks
Style: Contemporary Poet

The speaker of the poem is a proud owner of a pair of socks. The occasion is nothing special, just his eagerness to reveal his love and appreciation for his socks. The audience is the public in general and probably those who do not sit and think about the little things in life, everyday stuff. The purpose of this ode is to explain his love for the pair of socks that was given to him by Maru Mori. The tone of the poem is soothing and appreciative. The diction of the poem affects the meaning of the poem because it is said in a continuous from and it sounds like a never ending poem which could also reflect the never ending affection of the author for his socks. The idea of writing a poem about a “insignificant pair of socks might sound silly but Neruda justifies his appreciation for the socks throughout his poem and make it more acceptable.
Ode to Neruda….and Thanks to Holly

Holly made us read
Two Neruda poems,
His magnificent
Yet conscious ability to expand upon a simple
object and make it seem
More beautiful than
Shocked me,
I now embark In the same journey
yet I am unable
To achieve such fluency
I one day
Want to be
Like him
I for long
resisted my longing
To be somewhat

My ability to write poetry and
beautifully express my
emotions are questionable
but yet I sit here
trying to write an
a simple
group of
words regarding
an author who I most admire.
I still question myself but
And further admire Neruda
But I am left
Thanks Holly
For bringing in two
Odes and
The Alcachofa……

Alcachofa= Artichoke

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